
Packaging represents one of the very last elements you have to get right along your shopper’s path to purchase.

Get it right and you can drive loads of new, impulse and repeat sales.  Get it wrong and the negative impact on your sales can be dramatic.

Customer-centric design

Your packaging has to appeal both to the shopper’s head and heart. Is your packaging eye-catching? How well does it stand-out against the competition?  Does your packaging reflect your brand positioning? Does it fulfil all of your shopper or consumer’s functional requirements? How does it sit within your overall brand architecture?

Through a combination of beautiful design, backed by customer insight and research, we can help you deliver a packaging solution that maximises your sales potential, at all stages of the shopper path to purchase…from 48 sheet advertising to achieving great stand-out on-shelf.

Our expertise

Brand and Packaging Design| Name Generation | Trademarking | Brand Architecture | Qualitative and Quantitative Research