Shopper Profiling

Understanding your shoppers is key to enable you to attract, engage and motivate them to purchase your brand.

Analysis and profiling techniques

We use a range of shopper analysis and profiling tools to give you the insight you need about your shoppers and to help you identify and gain a deeper understanding of your target market and pin-point those shopper types that represent the best opportunity for growth.

Shopper profiling enables you to determine the key shopper characteristics and how they compare to the population at large. We can map the geographical distribution of your shoppers and show you which parts of the country are strongest for you.

Pen Portraits

We can segment your shoppers into distinct types and bring them to life with detailed pen portraits. Crucially, we can help you to identify those shoppers who represent the greatest opportunity for profit, thus helping you to concentrate your marketing focus where it matters most.

For new brands to market, we use a variety of different profiling and analysis techniques to help you determine your target audience, in terms of their characteristics, their geography and attitudes, to ensure that your marketing budget is spent accurately and appropriately.

Our Expertise

Shopper analysis and profiling techniques | CACI Acorn Profiling | TGI surveys | Pen Portraits | Brand Positioning | Focus Groups | Depth Interviews | Online Surveys